Add clarity by optimizing the navigation on your website
The purpose of this task is to increase your site’s usability, as navigation guides visitors and tells them where to go and what to do. If you don’t give people clear directions, they can’t figure out the next steps and become confused. The result? It’s not just bad for SEO, but you’ll also miss out on leads and sales.
On the other hand, clear navigation keeps people on your website and helps search engines understand which URLs are most important for website visitors. That’s because search engines reward sites with better ranking when visitors spend time on pages.
Here’s what you should do to improve website navigation:
- Create compelling calls to action (CTAs) to show visitors how to take the next steps on your site.
- List only the most important pages in the universal navigation bar.
- Include text links in navigation elements.
- Consider using “breadcrumb navigation” if you have hundreds of pages, which could make navigation difficult for visitors.
- Use the Visitors Flow Report in Google Analytics to see how people use your website and see what can be improved.
Navigation is another one of those website elements that can’t be fixed in a day. Ideally, you want to start by documenting how people navigate on your site and use the data to optimize their user experience while guiding people towards the pages you want to promote.
Later on, you can reorganize your website to highlight the navigation entries that people use more often and move the less popular listings to the bottom of the page.
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