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seo challenge day 30

Let’s talk seriously about your link building strategy!

Backlinks are the most critical ranking factor and have a significant impact on your site’s rank on search engine result pages (SERPs).

The last task of our 30-day SEO challenge is to create a link building strategy that can help you consolidate your online reputation. In other words, you need links back to your website. The more, the better, as long as they come from authoritative sources relevant to your industry.

Social Media Manager

The ideal way to get links is to write top-notch content that anyone wants to share. Unfortunately, it’s not something that you see everyday happening online. So you need to promote your content and publish guest posts so that the links you need for SEO purposes.

Let’s see what you can and can’t do for backlinks:

  • Build relationships to get links. Contact website owners who would benefit from collaborating with you and use content that adds value to get references back to your website. Buying batches of tens or hundreds of links is a no-no.
  • Link building is a marathon, not a sprint. Acquire small numbers of links regularly, rather than getting ten links in one day and zero for the following six months.
  • Avoid websites that exist for link building only. Again, the ultimate goal shouldn’t be the link itself but reaching a broader audience that is interested in what you have to say and capture attention with high-quality content.
  • Links from websites in your niche are more valuable than links coming from generalist websites, so don’t just publish for its sake.
  • Link to the page that is most relevant to the content where the link gets published. There’s no meaning in linking back only to your Home page or Contact us page.
  • When you publish guest posts, you want to link back to your website with a relevant anchor text (if possible, a long-tail keyword that you target).

Link building takes time and energy. You need to create content, reach out to people, pitch your ideas, ask for collaborations. You won’t always get an answer, or people will ask you for money in return for the link (a practice that Google doesn’t encourage, by the way).

Be patient, and keep sending those emails. Include guest posts in your content calendar and do your best to have at least two new links every month for the next year.

How do you start?

    • Make a list of possible websites to contact. Use Google to identify the best options in your niche. You can search for guest posts+your niche and see what results come back.
    • Choose one website and take the time to see what content it’s most likely to be published. Look for clues to identify the topics that the site’s audience is most interested in.
    • Look for any guidelines for contributors and make sure you read through all the instructions.
    • Write down two-three possible topics relevant to your brand and make an excellent fit for the website.
    • Reach out to the website owner or editors, pitch them your ideas, and then wait for an answer.
    • Depending on the instructions, you can follow up after a few weeks.
    • Repeat with the next website on your list until you get all the links you need.
    • If you ever get tired, you can always outsource.

Periodically, use a backlink checker to analyze your links and fix any errors. You can try the free online backlink checker from Ahrefs or SEMRush, for example.

That’s it. It’s the last task in our 30-day SEO challenge! You’ve made it! Congratulations! Don’t forget that SEO is a long-term journey. This isn’t the end. It’s only a milestone. You need to keep optimizing and getting better at this game.

We’re here to help you anytime you’re stuck, whether you need help with technical SEO or content optimization. Here you can learn more about our prices for link buildung.

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