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Become a Google Search Console pro!

Last week, we advised you to use Google Search Console to fix broken links. If you’ve followed our suggestion, you now have a Google Search Console account. Your task for today is to become familiar with this tool.

Here are some cool things you can do with the Search Console for:

  • Get a list of keywords people use to find your website online.
  • Identify your most popular pages.
  • Find the pages that link back to your site.
  • Stay informed about hacked pages and other security issues.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! If you care about web performance and user experience, you need to learn how to use this tool.

So, go to your Google Search Console account and take a closer look at the various features you can access for free. Take the time to analyze how you can use them to revamp your website and enrich your overall marketing strategy.

During the 30-day SEO challenge, we’ll encourage you to use the Search Console for identifying and solving SEO problems. So, it’s useful if you can navigate through the various features. You’ll see that there’s so much more that you can do with it than we can cover in this guide. Moreover, the tool will continue to help you optimize your website when the challenge is over.

The Search Console will become your go-to platform for SEO. It can help you with tasks like optimizing metadata, checking suggestions for HTML improvements, finding crawling errors, and other activities.

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