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The September 2023 update brings significant changes to how Google ranks content. Creators need to understand the impact of the update on their SEO strategies. The update aims to prioritize helpful and informative content in search results.

Google strongly emphasizes on delivering high-quality, valuable information to its users. Websites offering relevant and insightful content to visitors will rank higher in search results as compared to others. The new update encourages valuable, audience-specific content creation. The update changes how Google will monitor newly launched sites.

Let’s see how you can adapt your strategy and optimize your website’s visibility according to Google’s helpful content update. Stay tuned for actionable tips and insights that will help you navigate this helpful content update effectively.

Understanding the September 2023 Helpful Content Update

The September 2023 Helpful Content Update by Google aims to enhance user experience by rewarding websites that provide helpful and relevant information. This update introduces new ranking factors that assess the usefulness and relevance of web pages, ultimately aiming to provide users with high-quality, trustworthy information.

Improving User Experience with Helpful Content

One of the primary goals of the September update is to prioritize websites that offer valuable content to users. Google recognizes that users want accurate and reliable information when conducting searches. Therefore, this update will reward helpful content websites that provide helpful content, ensuring a better user experience and search traffic overall.


New Ranking Factors in September 2023 Helpful Content Update

To determine the usefulness and relevance of web pages, Google has introduced new ranking factors in the September update. These factors go beyond traditional SEO practices and take into account various aspects of a webpage and parent site’s content.

Some of these new ranking factors include:

  • Expertise: Google evaluates whether a website demonstrates expertise in its field or industry. Websites with authoritative content written by subject matter experts are likely to receive higher rankings.
  • Trustworthiness: Trust is crucial. Google considers signals like domain reputation, site security, and transparency in order to determine the trustworthiness of a website.
  • User Engagement: Websites that engage users through interactive elements such as videos, images, or user-generated content may receive a boost in rankings. User engagement indicates that visitors find the content valuable and engaging.
  • Page Speed: Page speed factors in user experience. Rapidly loading pages not only create a smoother browsing experience but also improve a website’s chances of ranking higher in search results.

Providing High-Quality, Trustworthy Information

Google primarily aims to deliver trustworthy information to its users. Consequently, the search engine will now reward websites featuring expert, trust-worthy, engaging and page speed optimized content. The new update will de-rank low-quality or misleading content. Websites can increase their chances of securing higher search result rankings and reaching a broader audience by adhering to these criteria.

Improvements in Google’s Helpful Content System

Google has been diligently working to improve the relevance and helpfulness of its search results. This effort has led to significant changes and enhancements in its helpful content system. Let’s delve into the specifics of these changes.

Fine-Tuned Content Evaluation Algorithms

A pivotal update in Google’s helpful content system is the refinement of its algorithms. These algorithms are now better equipped to assess the quality and relevance of web content, with the aim of providing users with more precise and reliable information during their searches.

E-E-A-T Factors

Google now takes into account factors like Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T) when evaluating content’s helpfulness. It means that content quality is determined by quality information, clarity and credibility. Therefore, Google advices users to check content sources before believing anything online.

User Feedback as a Key Evaluation Tool

User feedback holds increased significance in Google’s helpful content system. It plays a pivotal role in determining the helpfulness of content. Content that is considered unhelpful or misleading by users will see an impact on its search result ranking. Google actively encourages users to provide feedback through upvotes or downvotes on the utility of specific links, product reviews, and other online content. This feedback aids Google in discerning truly beneficial content from less helpful content created elsewhere that may require improvement.

Improved Content Quality Assessment Classifier

Google has introduced an enhanced classifier within its helpful content system documentation. This classifier identifies high-quality pages based on various factors, including relevance, accuracy, and comprehensiveness. Its implementation allows Google to better differentiate between truly helpful content and unhelpful content, ensuring users receive the most relevant and reliable information.

The Impact of Google’s Helpful Content Update on Older Content

It’s essential to recognize that these changes may affect older content. Content that no longer aligns with the new criteria for helpfulness may experience a drop in visibility within Google search results. This underscores the importance for website owners and content creators to regularly review and update their existing content to maintain its value and relevance.

Guidance for Content Creators: Adapting to the Helpful Content Update

Content creators, take note! To thrive in the evolving digital landscape post-Google’s Helpful Content Update, here are some insights and information to keep you ahead of the curve.

Prioritize Value and Research

To succeed in the new content landscape, creators must prioritize quality over quantity. Mere production of generic articles or videos is no longer sufficient. Instead, focus on creating content that offers genuine value and addresses the specific needs of your readers. Thoroughly research your topics and provide accurate, dependable information that your intended audience really can rely on.


  • Valuable content builds trust with your audience.
  • Addressing user needs increases engagement and loyalty.


  • High-quality content writing requires more time and effort.
  • Fierce Competition makes it hard to get noticed.

Optimizing for E-E-A-T is essential: showcase expertise, establish authority, and build trust.

E-E-A-T stands for Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness – four crucial factors that Google considers when ranking content. To optimize for E-E-A-T:

  1. Showcase your expertise: Demonstrate your knowledge by providing well-researched information supported by credible sources.
  2. Establish authority: Highlight any credentials or experience that make you a trusted source in your field.
  3. Build trust: Engage with your audience through authentic communication and transparent practices.
  • Key Information:
  • E-E-A-T optimization boosts search engine visibility.
  • Building authority takes time but pays off in the long run.

Engaging with user feedback can help improve content quality and meet user expectations.

Listening to what your audience has to say is vital for creating helpful content. Pay attention to comments, reviews, or direct messages from users who engage with your content. Take their feedback into account and make necessary improvements to enhance the quality of your content. By addressing user expectations, you can build a loyal following and attract new readers.

  • Pros:
  • User feedback provides valuable insights for content improvement.
  • Engaging with users fosters a sense of community and loyalty.
  • Cons:
  • Managing user feedback requires time and resources.

around the globe

What does it mean for you?

Adapt your content strategy and create high-quality, well0researched content which helps your target audience. Align your content creation approach with E-E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) principles to solidify your online presence. Actively engage with user feedback to maintain a constant focus on enhancing the quality of your content.

Real World Experiences and the September Update

Real-world experience plays a crucial role in enhancing the credibility and authenticity of online content. With the recent September update, search engines are placing even greater value on practical knowledge gained from firsthand experiences. Let’s delve into how this update emphasizes the importance of real-world expertise and its impact on content rankings.

Real Life Experiences Bring Make Content More Credible

Nothing beats firsthand experience. The new update recognizes this by rewarding websites that showcase practical knowledge in their content. By sharing personal anecdotes, case studies, or examples directly related to a topic, creators can establish themselves as trusted authorities in their respective industries.

Case studies Demonstrate Niche Expertise

Search engines deliver high-quality and relevant content to users. Real-life examples or detailed case studies demonstrate a creators’ expertise while providing valuable insights to readers. When you talk about personal wins, you improve user engagement and increases the chances of higher rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Readers and Search Engines Value First-Hand Expertise

The September update places significant emphasis on experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness when evaluating online content. Websites that exhibit a strong E-E-A-T profile are more likely to rank well in SERPs. One way to enhance this profile is by showcasing industry-specific knowledge acquired through hands-on experience. Whether it’s sharing tips from years spent mastering a particular skill or discussing lessons learned from real-life scenarios, creators who leverage their expertise will be rewarded with increased visibility.

Creators can provide unique perspectives that resonate with users seeking authentic information by using real-world experiences.

Real World Expertise:

  • Increases user trust:

Content that reflects real-world experiences wins reader trust in the information. More people tend to engage with such content and spend more time on the website increasing their content loyalty.

  • Enhances user experience:

Real-life examples and case studies help users understand complex concepts or processes better. By presenting practical knowledge in a relatable manner, creators can improve the overall user experience and make their content more accessible to a wider audience.

  • Improves search rankings:

The September update values expertise derived from firsthand experiences. By incorporating real-world examples into their content, creators have an opportunity to boost their rankings in SERPs and Search engines deliver high-quality and relevant content to users.

Real-life examples or detailed case studies demonstrate a creators’ expertise while providing valuable insights to readers. When you talk about personal wins, you improve user engagement and increases the chances of higher rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs)

Proven Content Optimization Strategies for Search Engines

Balance Keyword Research and Value

SEO keyword research must go hand-in-hand with real value delivered to readers. Instead of overloading your content with keywords, focus on creating genuinely helpful content written articles that cater to your audience’s needs.

Conduct thorough keyword research to identify the specific terms people are searching for related to your topic. Integrate these keywords naturally throughout your content to help search engines understand your article and boost its chances of ranking higher in search results.

Improve Content Structure and Readability

Effectively structuring your content can significantly improve how it’s read, appealing to both readers and search engines. Divide your article into sections using headings, subheadings, bullet points, or numbered lists. This keeps information organized and lets readers quickly find what they need.

Headings create a clear structure for your article and also guide search engines. Including relevant keywords in headings further optimizes your content.

Bullet points and numbered lists work well for presenting essential information or outlining steps in a process, making content easier to digest.

Use Multimedia to Boost User Engagement

Including relevant images or videos can boost user engagement with your content. Visual elements break up text-heavy articles and make them more visually appealing. They can also clarify complex ideas or support your main points with examples.

For images, ensure they are high-quality, optimized for the web (compressed file sizes), and include descriptive alt text with relevant keywords. Embed videos from trusted sources like YouTube or Vimeo, ensuring they relate to your article’s topic.

By using people first content using multimedia elements, you create a more interactive and engaging experience, keeping users on your site longer and reducing bounce rates.

Host Third-Party Content: Best Practices

Thoroughly Assess Third-Party Content

Before hosting third-party content on your site, carefully evaluate its quality and relevance. This ensures it aligns with your site’s standards and upholds your brand’s integrity.

Provide Attribution and Links

When incorporating external content, give proper attribution and link back to the original source. This not only acknowledges the content’s source but also helps users find additional information.

Monitor User Feedback

After hosting third-party content on main site, closely monitor user feedback. Address any concerns or issues raised by your audience promptly to demonstrate your commitment to a positive user experience.

Swiftly Address Concerns

If any concerns or issues arise regarding third-party content on micro sites, take quick action to rectify inaccuracies or remove problematic material. This shows your dedication to audience satisfaction.

Hosting third-party content offers benefits like diverse perspectives and an expanded reach, but it also comes with potential challenges that need consideration.Pros:

  • Diverse perspectives: Hosting third-party content allows for a variety of viewpoints on your website.
  • Expanded reach: Sharing external content can attract new audiences who may not have discovered your site otherwise.
  • Enhanced credibility: Hosting reputable third-party content can lend credibility to your website.


  • Quality control: Ensuring the quality and relevance of third-party content can be challenging.
  • Risk of misinformation: Hosting external content comes with the risk of spreading inaccurate or misleading information.
  • Dependency on external sources: Relying heavily on third-party content may diminish your own originality and unique voice.


Key Takeaways from Google’s Helpful Content Update

In conclusion, Google’s September 2023 Helpful Content Update brings significant changes and improvements to the search engine’s content system. Understanding these updates is crucial for creators looking to adapt and optimize their content for better visibility. One key aspect highlighted in this update is the importance of real-world experience, as Google aims to prioritize content that provides valuable insights based on firsthand knowledge.

To effectively navigate this update, creators should focus on optimizing their content for search engines by implementing strategies such as keyword research, quality backlink building, and user-friendly website design. Hosting third-party content should be done with caution, following best practices and considering factors like credibility and relevance.

As always, it is essential to keep in mind Google’s E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) concept when creating helpful content. By providing accurate information backed by reliable sources and demonstrating expertise in the subject matter, creators producing helpful content can improve their chances of ranking higher in search results.

For more detailed insights into adapting your content strategy to Google’s Helpful Content Update and maximizing your online presence, we encourage you to explore the sections completed before this conclusion. Stay informed about industry trends and algorithm updates to ensure your content remains relevant and valuable.


How does the Google Helpful Content Update impact SEO?

The Google Helpful Content Update has a significant impact on SEO as it emphasizes the importance of providing valuable information through high-quality content. Websites that offer helpful resources aligned with users’ needs are more likely to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). It is crucial to focus on understanding user intent and delivering comprehensive answers to queries while optimizing your sites for relevant keywords.

Should I prioritize real-world experience in my content?

Yes, prioritizing real-world experience in your content can greatly benefit your SEO efforts after the Helpful Content Update. Google values firsthand knowledge and expertise when evaluating the usefulness of web pages. Incorporating personal experiences, case studies, and practical insights into your content can enhance its credibility and authority, improving its chances of ranking higher in search results.

How can I optimize my content for search engines?

To create content for search engines, you should conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant terms and phrases that align with user intent. Incorporate these keywords naturally throughout your content while ensuring it remains readable and engaging.

What are the best practices for hosting third-party content?

Check information accuracy and reliability. Ensure that it aligns with your main site’s purpose. Only collaborate with trusted sources or experts in their respective fields. Regularly review the hosted content to ensure it remains up-to-date and relevant. Properly attribute any external contributions and provide clear guidelines for contributors to maintain consistency across your platform.

How does E-E-A-T impact my online presence?

E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) plays a significant role in determining the credibility of web pages. By demonstrating expertise through comprehensive and accurate information backed by reliable sources, establishing authoritativeness through industry recognition or credentials, and building trustworthiness through positive user reviews or testimonials, you can enhance your online presence. Adhering to these principles helps establish your primary site as a trustworthy source of information in the eyes of users and search engines.