Let’s concentrate on click paths today!
To complete today’s task, we should get back to your website’s structure and discuss click paths. As you remember, a few days ago, we asked you to organize your site structure to create logical connections between pages.
Now, you need to focus on making click paths short. It means that you should make it easy for anyone to find what they need from the Home page or any landing page. Website visitors love it when they get content or information relevant to them as quickly as possible, so the shorter the path, the better for user experience and SEO. In other words, you need to put yourself in your users’ shoes and optimize every interaction they have with your website.
The ideal click path is no longer than three clicks – which is easy to obtain on websites that have a small number of pages.
If you’re managing large sites, with hundreds of pages (like online stores), you can use the so-called “breadcrumb navigation” to guide people around. Another way to shorten the click path is by adding a practical Search function that allows users to find whatever they need in seconds.
Why do short click paths matter to SEO? Crawlers have a limited time to go around your website and index pages. A good structure enables crawlers to use this time optimally. Moreover, it improves usability, which indirectly influences SEO.
Let’s recap:
- Keep things short–no more than three, maximum four clicks from the home page or landing page to the page of interest.
- Use a search function to help people find what they’re looking for on your website.
- Introduce “breadcrumb navigation” for websites with a large number of pages and sub-pages.
Enhancing the user experience isn’t a one-time project. Try to see it as “work in progress”–it can always be improved to add more value. First, you need to go through analytics and see how people use your website to make an idea of their habits. When looking to implement modifications that impact user experience, make data-driven decisions to deliver what your website visitors expect from you, not what you think they want.
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