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Let’s write some killer URLs!

As we said yesterday, we focus on optimizing URLs, more precisely, we’ll try to make them shorter and more suggestive. It’s not vital for your rankings, but it helps improve user experience, which indirectly influences SEO. Plus, it makes your content easier to share on social media.

So, next time you publish something on your website, make sure not to skip the URL field anymore.

Here are some best practices to follow when creating SEO-friendly URLs:

  • Make sure they indicate the content of the page. It helps both search engines and visitors to understand the purpose of your page and the benefits of reading it.
  • Integrate the primary keyword that you target on each page. It helps search engines index your pages correctly.
  • We’re pretty sure you know this by now, but we’ll add it anyway: don’t do keyword stuffing.
  • Avoid unnecessary words, such as articles or conjunctions, to keep the URL short and easy to remember.

Most CMS systems will notify you when you should shorten your URLs for SEO reasons, which can be pretty helpful. So, don’t ignore the notification thinking that it’s not essential to your rankings. Enough for today. Don’t forget to come back tomorrow for another SEO trick to implement right away.

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